Hi everyone!
My name is Amena Jamali, a devout and patriotic American Muslim woman and a proud Texan holding a B.A. ’19 and a M.S. ’20 from the University of Dallas.
I live a life animated by the coolness of shrewd logic, the vibrancy of ambitious passion, and the exaltedness of deep morals and philosophy. My lenses of choice for viewing the world are faith, gratitude, empathy, love, and clear-sighed rationale and strategy. I am many things: dutiful daughter, political activist in the making, blossoming cybersecurity professional, and – not least of all – a writer of epic fantasy.

That last, my epic fantasy, holds the essence of all my hopes, ponderings, and dreams. The story contained within my upcoming series, The Lord of Freedom, is my saving grace and silver lining, both in annus horribilis 2020 and throughout all the years of my life.
The world behind the story, Icilia, began as scribbles in glittering gel ink drawn by the hand of my ten-year-old self during a religious sermon and archived not long after. I was at that age enthralled by the vast array of stories forming within my mind among a chosen few like they were my favorite cakes and sweets; Icilia’s story was not among those few. Yet, when two years later, amid the first of the episodes of depression that has characterized my days since, Icilia was the first place I turned. The characters and the world developed then became my lifeline, later my inspiration, and ultimately the vessel into which I poured all my ideas and beliefs about faith, family, politics, security, and life as a whole. It was the ship that carried me through the disappointments and troubles of the first year of the pandemic. Is it truly any wonder that I regard my characters as members of my family?
Because of what this story means to me, it is my hope that, alongside entertainment (and the generous impulse to support me!), any who read my books find them to be a source of hope and enlightenment. I pray that you fall in love with my characters as I have and that their story sets you free.
Ash Oldfield’s Blog: Author Interview: Amena Jamali
Rebecca Lange’s Instagram: Author Live: Amena Jamali
Review for The Bell Tolling:
“This book has a well-imagined world, lovable and worthy heroes, and truly evil villains.
It is a rich story that is thoughtful as well as entertaining. I highly recommend it!”
~ M.R.