
Below are links to bonus material for The Lord of Freedom, given in chronological order. Check back frequently, as I am always updating!

Please note that all chapters require entering in an email address. This aids me in tracking where my work is going and protecting it, so please don’t begrudge the entry.

Note: Though referred to as ‘bonus’ and ‘extra’, each of these chapters are part of the history of Icilia – they are not extraneous or counterfactual to the main storyline (unless otherwise labeled). If you, the reader, glean an insight about the characters, the plot, or the themes from these chapters, consider it as genuine as one gained from the main books.


  • The Way It Would Become — free for ebook subscribers | Click here to subscribe.
  • Lucian’s birth | coming!
  • EXTRA: Nurture the Adored — Lucian, after the capture of Asfiya | Click here to download this chapter.

The Bell Tolling (Book One)

  • RETELLING: Empower the Beaten — Lucian’s version of Chapter 2 | Click here to download this chapter.
  • EXTRA: Hear the Tormented — Malika, between Chapters 14 and 15 | Click here to download this chapter, or check out the Anniversary Edition!
  • EXTRA: Giving Affection — Prince Beres, after the end of the first book | Click here to download this chapter.

Other Bonuses

  • Which Nation Are You From? Personality Quiz | Click here to download the PDF.

Book Supplements

  • The Bell Tolling & The Resonant Bell Chapter Reading Order | Click here to download the PDF.

Review for The Bell Tolling:

“My favorite part of this book is the found family. The battles and magic system is cool, but the found family… chef’s kiss! So awesome! Definitely going to re-read!”

~ M.D.